eLearning Research and please whack TAPBI
(http://rantsofjeff.blogspot.com) - Research on the efficacy of eLearning at the secondary level, and a call to the Arizona Legislature to allow all Local Education Agencies to be able to compete in this market space.
eLearning - submitted January, 2007 to PVUSD Leadership
eLearning - submitted January, 2007 to PVUSD Leadership
Colliding Forces

I submitted this to our leadership in March, 2008. It was distributed to all Principals. Hard pill to swallow, but it might be accurate.
Colliding Forces
Trying to Integrate
I've been trying to pull together my content from multiple places. Ran across this one - 5 years old now, but still applicable.
Analog Minds
Need iTunes
Analog Minds
Need iTunes
Keynote at 2009 AASBO Convention
This iTunes U/K12 (e.g., pTUNES for PVUSD) provides a vodcast of a keynote I did for the Spring 2009, Arizona Association of School Business Officials (AASBO). The conference was primarily the Support Services administrators with a sprinkling of Business Services and Human Resources administrators. My take away - educational technology folks, like me, are not doing a good enough job of sharing with these folks all of the changes/transformations occuring in K12. We need to do better - we need their understanding, input, and output.
Since then, I have presented at several other of these types of groups, and I've been honored - the message is a good, IMHO. I'm very excited to be a featured speaker at the Southwest Regional Conference of; Council of Education Facility Planners International, in Sedona (Agenda). Architects of schools, this is going to be fun....they design the physical space that we all try to work, teach, and learn in. We need to get better at reaching beyond our walls of educational technology.
Since then, I have presented at several other of these types of groups, and I've been honored - the message is a good, IMHO. I'm very excited to be a featured speaker at the Southwest Regional Conference of; Council of Education Facility Planners International, in Sedona (Agenda). Architects of schools, this is going to be fun....they design the physical space that we all try to work, teach, and learn in. We need to get better at reaching beyond our walls of educational technology.
pTUNES - Cox 2009 Technology in Education Award
We were honored recently to receive the 2009 Cox Technology In Education Award. A vodcast in iTunes U/K12 (we call it pTUNES), is presented below. You'll need iTunes installed on your computer. Don't know what iTunes U/K12 is? Probably ought to check it out - the K12 space is trying to ramp up like the significant content available in iTunes U. Launch iTunes, go to Store, go to iTunes U and follow the link to K12. There you'll experience the Arizona IDEAL eLearning Platform, along with what seven other states are trying to do in K12.

Graduations 2009 - Streamed Live

In 2009 we had all 6 high schools broadcast live and then tape delay their graduations. It was very slick - friends and family from 15 states and 7 foreign countries dialed in live. So many thank you's - it was really nice that people from far away got to cheer their graduate on. Below is from Paradise Valley High School.
Mash up between PVUSD Data Warehouse and Google Apps

This posting demonstrates the potential of linking live data from PVUSD's Data Warehouse (pDAT) with the built in charting capabilities of Google Apps as delivered through pvLearners.
Pivot Tables through pvLearners Sheets

Feel free to explore the "pivot table" analytics of a Gadget. Drag and drop "slicers" onto the table to get a different view. Select the tools at the bottom of the window to select table only, graph on top of table, etc.. Some of the graphic links are a bit "buggy", but the functionality is definitely getting there.
pDAT and Google
pTUNES vodcast on the potential gain of merging pDAT with pvlearners tools through Google API's. You need iTunes to play the vodcast.
MEC 09 Podcast on pTUNES
Listen to Podcast (Interview of Jeff Billings talking about pTUNES - Cox 2009 Technology In Education Award)
2008-2009 REACH Awards

Culmination of PVUSD's 2008-2009 REACH Awards. Broadcast live, but on-demand viewable below. Great evening....great event....will be even better next year, now that we know what we're doing.....;-)
2008-09 REACH Awards
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