Keynote at 2009 AASBO Convention

This iTunes U/K12 (e.g., pTUNES for PVUSD) provides a vodcast of a keynote I did for the Spring 2009, Arizona Association of School Business Officials (AASBO). The conference was primarily the Support Services administrators with a sprinkling of Business Services and Human Resources administrators. My take away - educational technology folks, like me, are not doing a good enough job of sharing with these folks all of the changes/transformations occuring in K12. We need to do better - we need their understanding, input, and output.

Since then, I have presented at several other of these types of groups, and I've been honored - the message is a good, IMHO. I'm very excited to be a featured speaker at the Southwest Regional Conference of; Council of Education Facility Planners International, in Sedona (Agenda). Architects of schools, this is going to be fun....they design the physical space that we all try to work, teach, and learn in. We need to get better at reaching beyond our walls of educational technology.

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