Technology is Plenteous

Technology is plenteous but by committee decree, it must be split equally amongst all of thee.

We always want more software we can place in our dock, but when it comes to PD, we’re stuck in our clock.

The ohh’s and the ahh’s echo our halls, but understanding total support, sometimes slides off the wall.

We know that our kids exhibit differentiated thinking, but substantial change in practice requires more than quick blinking.

How do we wrestle this thing called technology, when our system prefers focusing on content specifics like biology.

Why we have to bust our schedules, dispose of old ways,

Project-based, thematic instruction, integrating technology tools, but hey….

I know we can do it, a teacher taught me,

The little red engine can drive all three.

The Curriculum, the Instruction, the Assessment you see.

Teachers are magical, they guide the world to,

Towards democracy and citizenship for all, not just for you.

So buckle your belt, help steer the plan,

We’re bringing big pipes through our project, the wireless WAN.

For teaching and learning is more than math, science, reading and writing too.

It is the essence of life in whatever we do.

Technology can help, if we use it just right,

It can also cause frowns if we choose not to be bright.

Technology is now part of how we approach life,

Including time to turn it off, and have a real chat with one’s wife.

You Already Knew: But What Do You Do?