Publish a Book

Students Publishing a Book

If you're in education leadership, no doubt you've heard about what we need to evolve to, especially in high school. It's called the three R's - Rigor, Relevance and Relationships. Well, here's a three R idea but with a 21st Century twist. Engage your students through a class, school, or district initiative to write their own book and distribute it online to a global audience. Use pen names for confidentiality if you worried about it.

Students will provide self-generated Rigor because they're writing to a Relevant audience (global), as they learn how to develop Relationships in this new world, their digital world. We're also nailing Digital Literacy and Web 2.0 technologies with this one; word and desktop publishing, graphical artwork, etc.. Visit the site - - check out the tutorial. Don't like books, think muscial CD's, DVD movies, calendars, etc. - it's all there.

Think students, classroom projects, school/district focus - think charities, fund rasiers, etc. on the learning economics side. Every student publishing a book to the world, before graduation (ES, MS, and HS). Talk about academic content with 21st century skills. We've got to get beyond just writing a paper for the teacher to grade (let the world grade it), or posting student work on just the refrigerator (both good things, but it's the 21st century for these kids, and us).

While I'm not plugging it (everything in my booklet, and more, is available on this web site), you can check out the finished promotional side of this process (automatically generated online store) by seeing and clicking on the below graphic. Enjoy....;-)

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